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Author: Chad Williamson®

Financial Planning – Loan Tips For Incoming College Students

Financial Planning - Loan Tips For Incoming College Students

College decision day is here! Over the last week graduating seniors had to weigh in on their decisions to which college they would be attending in the fall and provide that school with their intent to enroll (on May 1st). What an exciting moment for students, especially with the roller coaster of learning/social challenges most have faced over their senior year, due to the pandemic. Read More...

Financial Planning – How to create a baseline budget for your child’s 4-year college degree

4-year college degree

Picking a college to educate your child is a lot like buying a home. You spend time researching different schools, programs within those schools, costs to attend, and so on. The biggest difference between the two however, are the steps most parents skip when determining what school they can actually afford. When you’re shopping for a home, the process forces you to think about your personal finances in-depth. Read More...

Financial Planning – What to Consider if Your IRA Portfolio Takes a Nosedive

“What to Consider if Your IRA Portfolio Takes a Nosedive”

The first half of 2020 has been marked by historical levels of volatility on the way down… and up.  During the steep drawdown in March our financial advisors were focused on trying to find productive ways to help our clients.  One of the key discussions in March, revolved around taking advantage of the draw down in asset values to perform a “Roth Conversion” – a strategy we would like to dive into Read More...